69” steel unit with type “A” top installed in Pottstown, PA
These Pottstown, PA homeowners called us at Steelway when their old cellar door and stair unit was failing and beyond repair, so we sent out one of our experienced crews for the job! They removed the old unit, placed the new 69″ steel unit in, filled the cavity with concrete, and finished the install with an “A” style angle top. These homeowners can rest easy now with this new cellar door and stair unit!
Removing dirt and the old unit
We get right in there and remove everything we can to provide your new unit the perfect fit.
Most of old unit has been removed
Almost finished removing all the parts of the old unit
New unit has been placed
The new unit has been lowered into the ground where the old unit was just removed.
Installation complete
The 69" steel unit with a type "A" top have been installed, and the masonry work is complete.