Basement Egress added in Bangor, PA
In Bangor, PA this homeowner had reached out to Steelway when they wanted to change a small basement window into a basement egress. One of our Sales representatives went out to survey the area and take the measurements. We applied for the permit, and when we received it, we scheduled the installation. This turned into a bit of a tricky install, but was no match for our amazing crews! They excavated the area, cut into this doozy of a foundation, and installed the precast concrete stairs and steel cellar door top. It was a very long day for these guys, but they got it done, and we have a happy homeowner! Thank you guys, you did awesome, and we appreciate you!!
This is one of the toughest foundations we have come across.
Precast Concrete Stair Unit
The stairs have been attached, now just need the steel cellar top!
Egress Complete
The steel angle cellar door has been installed!