Flat Cellar Door replaced in Havertown, PA
In Havertown, PA this homeowner knew it was time to get their old wood cellar door replaced. The sales representative that went out, took the measurements to manufacture a new flat cellar door, and also recommended some masonry work to be done around the foundation. We fabricated a custom cellar door in the plant in King of Prussia, and once complete, an installation crew went out. The crew removed the old wood door, performed the necessary masonry repairs, and installed the custom size flat cellar door. Even tight spots are no match for our amazing crews! Great job guys!
Wood's no Good!
This old wood flat door is falling apart and needs to be replaced.
Masonry repairs are needed
Concrete needs to be repaired around this foundation before the new door is installed.
Concrete has been repaired
Now that the concrete has been repaired, a new cellar door will fit perfectly in place.
Newly fabricated, custom, flat cellar door
The new Steelway Flat Cellar door is installed, and fits like a glove!